
Because of the basic characteristics of ultrasonic testing, it is used to test a variety of both metallic and nonmetallic products such as welds, forgings, castings, sheet, tubing, plastics and ceramics etc. It is one of the most effective tools available to quality assurance personnel.

Hi Tech NDE Inc undertake the following ultrasonic testing:

  • Conventional Ultrasound Testing
  • Phased Array
  • Immersion Testing
  • Ultrasound Thickness Measurement

    Conventional Ultrasound Testing

    Basically, ultrasonic waves are emitted from a transducer into an object and the returning waves are analyzed. If an impurity or a crack is present, the sound will bounce off of them and be seen in the returned signal.

    During our conventional Ultrasound inspection of plate in the picture: The lamination was observed in the plate under testing. First amplitude bouncing from the lamination and the second one is back wall of the plate.



    Phased Array

    Our dedicated, trained and experienced inspectors can provide Phased Array ultrasound for accurately detection of flaw, sizing and imaging. It has advantage over conventional ultrasound to test the welds since it is fast and less time consuming. The weld can be done in one scan with phased array as compared to conventional ultrasound in 2-3 scans.

    Weld examination by phased array shown in the picture

    TOP: The phased array probe emits a series of beams to flood the weld with sound.

    BELOW: The flaw in the weld appears as a red indication on the UT Flaw Detector screen.



    Immersion Testing

    Another way to couple the sound from transducer to a test object is coupling the sound with water. This can be done with squitter, where the sound travels through a jet of water or by immersing the transducer and test object in a tank of water. Both techniques are called immersion testing. In immersion testing, the transducer is placed in the water, above the test object, and a beam of sound is projected. Immersion testing is more time consuming and expensive but more accurate then conventional ultrasonic testing. The picture shows a typical immersion tank coupled with probe and UT flaw detector.


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