Positive Material Identification

When you need elemental composition analysis, you need a reliable, highly accurate analytical tool that is easy to use, fast and accurate. Our XRF analyzers have the capability to quantify or qualify practically every material on earth. Hi-Tech offers positive material identification testing services using BRUKER handheld device, which is a non-destructive element analysis technique used for quality assurance and quantification of nearly any element from magnesium to Uranium. BRUKER German x-ray based technology is one of the leading manufacturers of sophisticated PMI handheld devices in the world. This device can analyze any metal including light alloy with point-and-shoot in 2-3 seconds.
Hi-Tech has inspected materials for Bruce, OPG Pickering, Darlington, Suncor, Shell and many other industries. All our inspectors are experienced, qualified and certified by NR Canada, who can assure quality inspection and safety. Hi-Tech can mobilize their PMI crew anywhere and at anytime even with a short notice.

Application of XRF

  1. Positive Material Identification (PMI)
  2. Aerospace, Nuclear, Refineries and Chemical Plants
  3. Alloys/Metals
  4. Welding
  5. Scrap
  6. Jewelry, Precious metals-Gold/Silver/Platinum
  7. Energy/Fuel and oil

Advantage of our PMI Services

  • Hi-Tech PMI ensures and verifies that the supplied material is as per the specific Standard or specification in order to conform to quality control.
  • Compliance with local government bodies
  • Reduced risk of company liability with documented safety standards
  • Our PMI equipment can be used on a variety of parts sizes from large complex parts to as small as weld filler material of 7 mm diameter.
  • Highly accurate results
  • Field-testing to inspect the piping welds, big parts, which cannot be shipped to the lab.
  • To sort out mixed up materials.

You are in good hands....