Level-III Services

Our level III personnel carry out contracts for a wide range of companies working to CSA, ASME, AWS, ASTM and other national and international standards. Our client base spans the globe and covers industries such as; pressure vessel manufacturers, energy, Nuclear including petro-chemical, power generation, precision engineering, forgings and foundries.

Detailed below are some of the level-III services, we provide a consultancy service for;

  • Our level-IIIs have the training, expertise and experience to assist the industries to develop and approve NDT procedures and techniques in accordance with a wide range of national and international codes, standards and specifications such as CSA and ASME etc.
  • To assist and resolve with regard to any NDT issue with the client.
  • Preparation of QA documentation to incorporate non-destructive testing activities
  • Auditing and crosschecking activities; ensuring processes and the application of various NDT techniques are in accordance with applicable specifications.
  • Provision of third party assistance for evaluation of NDT procedures and inspection
  • Provision of training and certification of NDT personnel in accordance with American Society of Non-Destructive Testing document SNT-TC-1A

You are in a good hands....